Tuesday, 3 August 2010

"Filigree In Blue" (SOLD) and "Filigree~Adagio"

I've uploaded a new photo of these pieces as I don't think I did it properly last time! Thanks for the nod, Lesley! St Ives is PACKED with visitors and it's turning out to be a very busy season. I hope you are having lots of sales and interesting conversations down at the other end of the town as well!


  1. So glad things are going well Mel and congratulations on the commission. It's beautiful. Here's hoping you get many more commissions and sales over the summer. Yes, it's packed in town. Lots of love x

  2. Hi Melanie
    Have just clicked the image for a better view - they're both lovely, thanks for that - and also for the link to the Art Space website. Really enjoyed looking at the Uys gallery website too. Yes the season is turning out to be busy and long may it continue to be so for all of us. x
