Thursday, 25 March 2010

"Moody Angel" and "Sulking Mermaid"

Linocut made a while ago, that I'm just beginning to edition

New Linocut finished this week


  1. Wow these are great Melanie. Would love a printed card of your mermaid!

    Hope to pop in soon ... but not sure when ...

    Have a great weekend xoxo

  2. Ah Carolyn ~ I will send you one for Easter !!

  3. Hi Melanie, thank you so much for the wonderful surprise. I was out when they tried to deliver it yesterday but got it today. It's really gorgeous! I love the print! THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THINKING OF ME!

    I shall show it off on my blog when I'm back properly. Had to borrow hubby's laptop to write this, mine is very sick and won't work, but hope to get it fixed very soon (waiting for a part)

    I am having such a horrible hectic time with work and family illness and frustrating niggly things like ants in the cupboards and the fridge breaking down. Everything has come at once that I feel I need to get everything back on track before returning to blogging, but hope that won't be much longer. Our carpets are being fitted tomorrow so that is a sign of progress

    Hope to see you some time next time I'm in town. I haven't been out for a couple of weeks! Bye for now

    C xxxx
